The Red stack consists of two main layers, the high-level Red language and a lower-level DSL called Red/System, meant for system programming. The high-level language is very similar to Rebol2 (roughly 95% source-compatible), so the Rebol documentation (mirror) can also be used for learning Red. The full reference documentation for Red/System is available.
Red documents
- Red Official Documentation (under construction)
- Red Wiki
- Parse introduction (blog article)
- Learning resources list (wiki)
Red/System documents
- Red/System Language Specifications
- Red/System BNF grammar PDF, 162KB, by Rudolf W. Meijer
- Red/System Implementation Todo-list
- Quick-Test Framework Documentation
Community-provided learning material
- [NEW] Red track on Exercism, 20 exercices for learning Red!
- Red help, tutorials and examples (by Ungaretti)
- Red Programming (by Nick Antonaccio)
- Small intro to Red and simple IDE (by Mike Parr)
- Red by example (by Mike Parr and Arie van Wingerden)
- Parse expressions (Rebol wikibook)
- Red-related articles (by Boleslav Březovský)
- Programming Red links (by Giuseppe Chillemi)